Ok today is mERDEK DAY.... SOOOOO for all MALAYSIANS..........
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Posted by Johnny Boy at 12:04 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tcher Elaines not coming for a month woooooooohooooo
Hey ppl, heve u heard dat tcher elaine's not comin for a month!!!! aND IF U wonder who tcher elaine is, shes my class tcher who is like a prisonm guard. But now shes not comin back anymore 4 A WHOLE MONTH(September). WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO. NO more PRISON GUARDS ANYMORE. The oni thing is dat the tcher next door (tcher Alicia) is a clone of Tcher elaine. So no more prison guard but got clone. So it will be not so bad but still the same.
Ok anyways, Happy Birthday Cyndi Lee :-). Ok dats bout it. Bye bye.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 9:33 PM 0 comments
my Friday
Ok, today was abit different...... Today, in the morning i came 2 skul, do work as usual. Then in the afternoon, During chapel was the different part. Today was the last day for Tcher Linda. Ok preety sad 4 her students but others maybe not so much but just normal. Tcher Elaine asked the anime artist in my class 2 draw her a card n we all sign it.LOL
Oh ya i 4got, Tcher Elaines not comin 4 a month. YEY. FREEDOM... WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO......
Ok thats bout it. And oh ya merdekas comin too. SO TO ALL MALAYSIANS, HAPPY MERDEKA. Ok BYe
Posted by Johnny Boy at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
A good day of sports......
Mark's favorite monkey........

Posted by Johnny Boy at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Skul, skul,skul
Ok... Its bout my day again.....
Ok..... Today was a normal day.Nothing special happen 2day.Just normal.
But......... tomorrow is someones birthday. And do u noe whos????
Ofcourse, the fat, chubby,cute and sometimes irritating
Posted by Johnny Boy at 3:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Holidayz at penang.
Ok as i said.....
On Friday my family n i left 4 my dads cell fren at 6.00. When we reach there, we heard sum ppl singing in the house. We tot that they r worshiping God b4 the trip. We went in the house n saw it wasn't them but it was a group of ppl dat meet up in a house to worship 4 the 40 day of fast and prayer. How embarrasing. Lol. Ok after dat around 6.40 to 6.50, we left the house to a petrol station to charge up before the trip. At around 7.10, we left the station and start the journey. About 12.00 we ate lunch at a "wan tan mee" stall at Bidor. After dat, we continue our journey until Juru rest stop where we stop to stretch and cleanse our bladder. Then we continue the journey. We pass the Penang Bridge and then when to my dads cell leader home town. Pulau Tikus. We first when to the place we r staying ( a condominium with a irritaiting,old guard) to check in and put our luggages.Then we when to my dads cell leader name Andrew house to meet his parents and bro. Andrews parents was nice and cheerful but the moms voice was abit squeaky. The bro was quite. Then we went to eat n eat n eat. In Penang, we ate in many stalls brought by Andrew. We ate most is "wan tan mee". There I drank most is "teh pheng". My bro drank most is a Penang drink u can't get anywhere else but Penang name "Pat Poh". It pronouns as "Pat Po" my sister pronouns it as " Pat Powh". Lol
Ok dats 4 the first day at penang..... 4 the second day......
We went hiking on Penang Hill. Early in the morning around 6.00 but we never reach the peak of the hill because of a group of dog who is protecting some puppies. I was ahead with a few other. I was walking infront. When i saw the dogs, i tot they were tame n frenly but not. So i walk closer n closer suddenly, a black dog attack me so i panic n run down. obviously i fell n i tot i gonna have big , bloody cuts but no all i have is 2 small cuts on my wrist. Wow. Its a miracle. Now i noe dat God is really protecting me. Thank you God. Then one of the hiking group member a lady said it was too dangerous so we went down again. One of the hiker was an old man bout 83 years old. WOW. Dat mans really fit. At the bottom of the hill, the man said he wasn't tired at all. Wow a 83 years old man climbing up and down a hill and said that hes not tired at all. I think when i'm 83, i won be able to do such thing. Amazing. That man also follow us to all the places which includes....
Ferengghi Beach, a very big pet shop with a very cute dog, dinner at the top of a hill with very nice views, Feringghi night market,etc. He just follow us everywhere and each time u ask him whether he is tired he will say no. How amazing. Ok... thats bout the second day. All the places mention was visited on the 2nd day.
The third day was the tiring day.
In the morning we went 4 breakfast at a mamak stall. We all ate "roti canai'' , a very famous indian food. Then at 10.00 we went to the Penang Christian Church(PCC). At 12.40, we went back to the condominium to pack up. Then at 1 sumthing we left n ate lunch at the nicest laksa stall i have ate. The laksa is the best for me la. For others i dono. But its just so nice n tasty. Then we went to Andrews house again to bid his parents good bye. After that, we left Penang n cross over the Penang Bridge. It take us bout 30 minutes to cross dat bridge. Maybe even an hour. So jammy. We travelled n travelled until 6 sumthing where we stop at a place at Ipoh to eat dinner. After dinner, we suppose to go to a hot spring bout an hour from KL. But we didn't go because on of the ppl on the trip was having fever n it was raining. Then we went straight home. We reach home at bout 11 sumthing. I was sooo tired that when i reach my bed i slept straight away. N today is also a skuling day.
Today i went to skul. I tot i was going 2 be late but no i was just on time. In skul i was feeling tired n sleepy but i have 2 do my work so i did.
Ok. Thats all. What a long tiring trip. :-)
Posted by Johnny Boy at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hey ppl, U should watch Meet Dave if u haven watch it yet. Preety funny and nice. Dave was a bIg space ship of extermely tiny ppl. It come 2 earth to take back a thing which they call it an orb to save their world of timy ppl.
Walle was preety interesting too and funny. My bro said it was confusing. Ok walle was about a small trash robot build to clean earth. ppl of the earth was not living on earth. Instead they was living in space on a extremely large space ship call the Axium. It was a place controled fully by robots and technology. Ppl living there do not even need to move a single muscle so they r all fat and flabby. A man can just say " cola come here" and a cup of cola will just come t o his hands. So cool but its bad cause soon u will get fatter and lazier. LOL. Walle was a earth robot cleaning the trash on earth. Soon, the Axium send a robot name Eve to find plants on earth so dat they can go back. Walle while doing his cleaning work found a plant living and alive. When Eve came Walle gave de plant 2 Eve. Eve kept it and brought it back to Axium with Walle following her without her knowing until later. The plant was stolen by a evil robot who do not want man to return to earth. So it was basically a show of Walle n Eve trying to help the ppl on the Axium to return to earth with the evil robot in their way.
Ok thats all i'm gonna say. Bye :-)
Posted by Johnny Boy at 4:28 AM 0 comments
my day.....
Ok. Sorry 4 not blogging a few days. Din have the chance :-). Ok anyways the last few days wasn't very exciting so don bother bout those days.
Ok today my bro, mom and I when 2 my moms old fren's house. We went there with my aunt. Ok my mom n my aunt talk the whole time until lunch. My bro n I played PS2 with my moms frens son, his name derrick. We played star wars lego (its my bros choice) but its preety fun and funny seeing all those charecters jumping around. Chewbaca was the funniest. Then derrick invite us to play fifa football. My team was definetly ENGLAND. My bros team Brazil(Boooooo). We played football for a while but its quite boring bcuz there was not a single sound. Then derrick ask us if we wanna play BURNOUT. We accepted and we play BUrnout. My bro was better than me in the race. Derrick was definetly the best. I was the worst.
Oh ya, before i say bye, tomolo i will be going 2 Penang until Sunday so i will not be blogging until Monday when the skul reopen. Let me enjoy the rest of my holidays before skul starts. So short la the holidayz. They should make it 2 weeks instead of 1. Haiz. Life is like dat. Whether u like it or not, u still have to live in it.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 4:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
First day of the hols
The first day of the holidayz was good. I get to use the com whole morning and then i played badminton for bout half an hour or less, then me n my bro went swimming for more then 2 hours i think. Yeah dat was bout the first day of hols.
Maybe tomorrow will be better. LoLz. Bye. I've go nothing to say:-)
Posted by Johnny Boy at 2:29 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Woooooooohoooooooo, iTs PRISON BREAK.
wow after one week, todays the last day of this semester.... SO FAst. Wow. AnD the hols have started already. Cool !!!!!
Ok, today was a very,very,very,very,very good day bcuz all we do is play n enjoy our selfs. i really did enjoy myself but the first few hours of skul me n a few of my frens help tcher 2 sort out the old books dat have already finish. We have to sort them out n get a old set of a few grds of each subject. There was 5 subjects. Bible,Science, Math , History & geography and Language Arts or english. I was doing the science pile. Quite tiring carrying all the bks but the job was done in bout an hour and we should be rewarded la tcher. Alot of bks u noe. Somo must carry 2 floors down to the office WITHOUT the lift. We must use the stairs bcuz there is NO lift. The old building where we use to be have a lift but this one DOESN'T. So we must make a few trips up and down. I tell u bfore we go down 2 play sports oso sweating. LOL
Ok thats all. Bye
Posted by Johnny Boy at 3:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Another day .......
Haiz... why is the schooling dayz so long..... The holidayz r coming but they end so fast.Its like a trip on a plane to another country. Only a few hours. But the schooling days are like driving to another far away country. Not fair....
Anyway today was my 2nd day of TRIPLE prison. The squeaky sound was lesser but the gal over at the next class began singing. OMG so scary. Suddenly half way doing work suddenly got someone singing dono wat song. SOOOOO CREEPY . lol
The rest of the day was normal. Oh ya 2day my parents too came 2 skul 4 the parents tcher conference. My dad was like talking so loud until i can even hear wat they talkingl. Dude pls lower your volume please.So embarassing. Other parents talk so soft oni my dad talk the loudest.
Hey wait a second, tomolo is the day where the PJ centers comin to have a frenly tournament for certain sports i dun noe and after dat PRISON BREAK!!!! yey.
Thats all folks.... Bye :-)
Posted by Johnny Boy at 3:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Haiz. same old problem. Last time bout few days ago there was no water supply at my apartment so i didn't shower b4 i go 2 skul.
Today, the same prob happen again when i wanted 2 shower after skul. Instead of showering with clean water, i have 2 go 2 the swimming pool 2 shower and when the water supply when off, the only water enough for a bath is the swimming pool. So imagine if the part of the apartment shower in the swimming pool...... Imagine how clean will the swimming pool be. So gross.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 6:16 AM 0 comments
my day......
I ddn't get the chance 2 blog yesterday. Sorry:-)
Ok lets start from yesterday. Yesterday was NOT a good day and a good day altogether. The good part was French class. The bad part was that i have change my place and this time TRIPLE prison bcuz....
1. I have to sit right next to teacher. She can just turn her head and she could she what i'm doing.
so scary.
2. I have to sit bside a gal with smell like a mixture of shit and some other thing.Preety dumb
3.The class was like prison b4 i change place but now TRIPLE prison.
I can't take it anymore. I wanna change place N i wanna change tcher. 2 years with this tcher,u will feel the PRISONESS of the class. I WANNA CHANGE CLASS !!!! .
Ok today was also a good n bad day bcuz....
Art class was the good part. The worse part IS, i have 2 sit next 2 tcher in my new place n not only dat. I have to smell the nice smelly aroma of the gal next door and not only that. Theres this squeaky sound coming from i dono where and its so anoying. Everytime i try to do my work squeak,squeak squeak. i wonder wheres dat mouse. If i catch it,it'll pay for it.
Ok thats about it tata...
Oh ya holidayz r coming...... YEY!!!! I can wait to break out of prison. Out of prison 4 a week. Ho nice. Bye.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
most of the presentations all uses man power. So co0l. I wonder how long it takes for them to practice. Maybe weeks or months. maybe years.
The block stuff was all man power. AMAZING. Than they can do other cool awesome stuff. The whole thing was like so well done and so smooth. Nothing went wrong. If u ask me to do such thing i would take bout 10 years b4 i could get a thing perfected. Good work china. U all did a FANTASTI,AWESOME,WONDERFUL work.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 4:12 AM 0 comments
My small day.
Haiz.... din get to blog for 2 days......
Today was as usual assembly then BM then break time then back work until lunch time then back to work then home and thats all.
Today during assembly teacher jonathan gaved a testimony bout his wive in da hospital with a hole in the skull. Hmmmm pretty boring as usual the old teacher jon style with a few weird smiles i wonder why he always smile suddenly when he finish a sentence. Even if he is telling bout sumthing sad. After dat, teacherv ben gave anounchments. He said........
1. This week no PE or the government schools call it PJ.
2. BUT on Friday, the PJ center will be coming to our center to play sports so instead on Thursday, we have PE on FRIDAY and the whole day will be free and easy. NO lifepac works, NO teacher elaine calling AND NO prison cells yey, free day b4 the HOLIDAYS. SO COOL.....
3. Then from today onwards, no more bringing MP3s,MP4s,iPODs and other things that plays musics bside handphones. SO EVIL.
OK thats bout my day.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 3:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
quite a good day
OK today was a pretty good day bcuz teacher was in a pretty good mood.I manage 2 complete almost all my goals n the H&G 610 was crazy man. i question 10 points R U NUTS???? dude how can a person pass this test. 10 points 4 a question hah i'm seing things i guess. During chapel Uncle Ronnie or skul cook gave a good testimony bout his life. Very sad, very touching but nice.
Time just pass so fast and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENT(even if i don mix with u):-)
Posted by Johnny Boy at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
A bad day......
no chance 2 blog yesterday..
OK lets start yesterday my teacher came back 2 skul n ofcourse my work slowed down.Then the class ofcourse became prison again N no rule breaking anymore if not she will slaughter u up
Shes here again... as usual she will ask us to set our goals n start work. then at 10.30 she will say.... " those who have finish 1 goal N do their homeworks can go 4 break. obviously most of them in my class can't finish 1 goal bcause of HER. so most of us will sit in our places while other class students can make ALL THE NOISE bcause their tchers dosn't bother whether they finish a goal anot n ofcourse they do not have homeworks........
Posted by Johnny Boy at 2:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A new day....
Today was also a good day.Again teacher never come to skul but another teacher took over. This wasn't the teacher next door but a teacher from the office.I finish my work right before lunch and i got my new BIBLE 701 COOL.....
Then at 2.30 the teacher ask us to clean up the class.Me n my fren Leong swep the floor. Mark n Andrew washed the toilet. Rekha,Cyndi and Koh Chin clean the teachers table that have pencil marks all over it.Oh ya and Sean mop the floor. The rest just hang around n TALK. How can they talk when we r busy cleaning the class. They should learn how to HELP OUT. Thats all bout my wondeful day. :-)
Posted by Johnny Boy at 3:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Today was a good day.My teacher never come 2 skul. So a day of relax. i can even finish my work b4 lunch. but the only problem is dat the teacher dat take over was the next class teacher. She was so slow that u must wait at least an hour just to score (mark) ur work but i manage to finish my work at 2. After that i just spent time drawing stuff to kill time.
I also broke a few rules today. Hehehehehe. like....
1. i suppose to submit my phone. i did but i took it back b4 skul ends at 3.
2. i suppose to tuck in my shirt but ofcourse i didn't
3. i supose to sit at my place and do my work but once a while i got up to look at the next class or to talk with
my friends. hehehehe
ok i noe i've been a bad boy 2day. thats all bout my day. BYe :-)
Posted by Johnny Boy at 2:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Blog success.....
I'm created a blog , but must learn more. If anyone knows how to blog,or have a blog for many years ,pls gif me information about blogging :-).This is what a newbie will say.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 4:08 AM 0 comments
1st message
hi ppl. i just created my blog. actually i created a blog long time ago but i abandoned it because i didn't know how to blog at that time.
Posted by Johnny Boy at 2:43 AM 0 comments