Hey ppl, U should watch Meet Dave if u haven watch it yet. Preety funny and nice. Dave was a bIg space ship of extermely tiny ppl. It come 2 earth to take back a thing which they call it an orb to save their world of timy ppl.
Walle was preety interesting too and funny. My bro said it was confusing. Ok walle was about a small trash robot build to clean earth. ppl of the earth was not living on earth. Instead they was living in space on a extremely large space ship call the Axium. It was a place controled fully by robots and technology. Ppl living there do not even need to move a single muscle so they r all fat and flabby. A man can just say " cola come here" and a cup of cola will just come t o his hands. So cool but its bad cause soon u will get fatter and lazier. LOL. Walle was a earth robot cleaning the trash on earth. Soon, the Axium send a robot name Eve to find plants on earth so dat they can go back. Walle while doing his cleaning work found a plant living and alive. When Eve came Walle gave de plant 2 Eve. Eve kept it and brought it back to Axium with Walle following her without her knowing until later. The plant was stolen by a evil robot who do not want man to return to earth. So it was basically a show of Walle n Eve trying to help the ppl on the Axium to return to earth with the evil robot in their way.
Ok thats all i'm gonna say. Bye :-)
temporarily away!
13 years ago
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