Today, i've learned something new. Numerals, not any other numerals but Egyptian, Greek and Old Hindu-Arabic Numerals. I've never learned these stuff before and I doubt it that I will ever learned about it again unless I search the net. These numerals are not that hard to learn because each of them is easy to memorize it's symbols or letters.
The Egyptian Numerals is made up of symbols for example a stroke for number 1. The Greek and Old Hindu-Arabic numeral also uses a stroke down for 1. The symbol for 10 is like a hill or arch. 100 is a s like curled rope. 1,000 is like a boomerang shaped pointed finger. 100,000 is like a chilli like tadpole. 1,000,000 is like a suprised stick man.
The Greek Numerals is made up of symbols. 1 is a stroke. 5 is a half drawn rectangle. 10 is a triangle. 50 is like number 5 and 10 combine. 100 is a capital H. 500 is a 5 and a 100 combine . 1,000 is a capital X. 5,000 is a 5 and 1,000 combine. 10,000 is a capital M. 50,000 is a 5 and 10,000 combine into one.
Old Hindu- Arabic Numerals are actually quite similar to our normal numbers. Number 1 is a stroke down. 2 is an upside down tick. 3 is like the symbol of lightning. 4 is a slanted 4. 5 is a slanted 5 with a tp on the top. 6 is like an upside down kite. 7 is like a 7 with a diamond in between. 8 is like 2 diamonds shaping like an 8 and 9 is like an 8 with a tail. Will upload the pictures later.
temporarily away!
13 years ago
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