Ok, I have officially recovered from fever. Praise the Lord. But I still got one problem..... I do not know what it is but as day pass its like spreading throughout my whole body first my hands. Than my face. Then my legs. What next ??? My stomach ??? When I found out that is was actually spreading ( literally but slow) my mom took me to see a doctor. The doctor was shock ( I think ) to see my hands so covered with rash so she said that is COULD not be rash. It looks like rash, it feels like rash, it taste like rash ( don't really know how it taste like ) but it is NOT rash. Haiz......
Doctor said it could be dengue or allergy to something. To be on the safer side, I went for a blood test for dengue. Its was such a long time since I got a jab. Obviously I had little butterflies in my stomach because I never have jabs here before. When the doctor began to poke my flesh with the needle, I nearly pulled my arm away but I controlled. This doctor's jabbings are more painfull than my previous doctor in Klang. I sure miss that doctor. :-) . When the needle went in I really felt the extreme pain all over my body parts. Ouch. After it was over, My mom and I waited in the waiting room to be called as we have to pay for the whole jab thingy. It cost RM 106.00. Hmmmm. Great. You pay RM 106 just for more PAIN ??? It doesn't make sense but I know its for my own good. :-)
-Johnny Boy-
temporarily away!
13 years ago
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