Yesterday, we had dinner at ' Sar Yee's place. It kind of a little Chinese New Year dinner for one of my mom and aunties childhood friend who just came back from England but he couldn't make it so we just have it among our selfs. We have my dads family recepi, " Saw Mee". I wonder how my dad's family recepi ended up in my mom's side ??? Its just funny. After dinner, me and my brother went over to Ah Yees place ( they're neighbors) to watch movies on astro as my uncle wanted to watch a football match. Melon came over with us. We watch the movie Gabriel. Its about Arch Angels trying to fight the Fallen angel Micheal who calls himself Sammeal.
In the movie, we watch that Gabriel the Arch was the only Arch left. He went down to earth as man. There, he met up with all the other seven Archs that have failed ( it includes Micheal ). When he found them, he ofcourse healed them with his powers. In this movie, it say that the more power he use, the more weaker he became. So he healed all the Archs that failed to defeat Sammeal. At the end, he defeated Sammeal and Light came upon earth again. He was weak and hurt but Sammeal healed him with his powers and died. Gabriel than commited suicide by falling of the building they were on. Nice fiction story :-) .
-Johnny Boy-
temporarily away!
13 years ago
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