Yesterday, during cell's ice breaker, we played the mirror game.. When it was my turn, so happen that my opponent was a girl. Oh before I go on, I must explain how the game goes. We are split into 2 teams. Then in each team, you must send a representative. You must do anything so that your opponent cannot follow you. Each player gets a turn. If both manage to do what the opponent do, Its a tie and you must do it again. Then you must do something else to compete. Ok, back to my story. My opponent was a girl that doesn't look like someone that can do pumping so I was smart ( stupid) enough to do push ups. I did it quite well. I did about 10 or more times I think ( I didn't count ) While doing it, I felt the energy flowing in me. I felt my muscles weak. After all those pumping, during worship, I suddenly felt the muscle in my arms starting to go tight. I knew I over did it and now its aching. What a smart guy I am huh. :-) Ok so I did the push ups and my opponent didn't manage to follow what I did. On the other hand, she did some lala poses which I did not
do. I'll never do a lala pose in my life.... NEVER..... So since I didn't do what she did and she didn't do what I did, We have to compete again... I was out of energy and worse out of ideas so I lost but it didn't really matter anyway. Its just a game. :-)
-Johnny Boy-
temporarily away!
13 years ago
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